Sleep like a baby while you are growing a baby!

the “must have” guide to your best night's sleep during pregnancy. 

We know that when you are better rested, you are your better self.

But... as pregnancy progresses you can't quite figure out the pillows, your shoulder always seems to feel pinched, and you wake up with your low back aching.

Our best night's sleep guide to sleeping better in pregnancy takes the guess work out of getting you and your belly comfortable for bed and waking up feeling better.

Are you ready to sleep better tonight? 


I'm Ready. Send it to me!

Download your Guide Now and Get the Details on More Comfortable Sleep, Including:

  • safe, supportive sleeping positions for every trimester
  • clear positioning guidance with photos 
  • troubleshooting sleep position tips for common complaints like carpal tunnel and heartburn 

Hey there! I'm Faith... 

I'm a certified prenatal massage therapist, yoga teacher, postpartum doula, and mama who has spent the last decade helping hundreds of pregnant people just like you finally get comfortable and relaxed for massage and sleep. I LOVE teaching families how to apply tried-and-true massage techniques for a more comfortable and connected pregnancy and postpartum.